If you have a headache, the doctor prescribes aspirin. The headache disappears and everyone is happy. No one ever asked the question, "What caused the headache?". Based on the treatment prescribed and the resultant "cure", we can conclude that the headache was caused by an "aspirin deficiency". However, a little research will tell
us that aspirin is composed of salicylic acid - an absolute poison to the body, thus an "aspirin deficiency" is out of the question. In fact, any drug on the market, we will find, is composed of chemical toxins which are poisonous to humans. How then can drugs alleviate symptoms, cure ills, wipe out disease and generally make us feel better if they are poisonous?
To understand how drugs "cure" symptoms, let us look a little deeper into how aspirin takes away a pain. Did you know that aspirin will relieve any pain in the body, whether it be a headache or a toe ache? The only exception to this is stomach pain. Aspirin will not help stomach pain. Ask the pharmacist how aspirin works, he will tell you that it has some sort of numbing effect over the entire body, so regardless of where the pain is, it is relieved. But isn't the stomach part of the body? Why doesn't aspirin take care of stomach pain? He will reply that this is one of the great mysteries of aspirin.
Let's say you are out on the farm hunting and you get a thorn in your finger. It is quite sore, so you decide to head back to your truck to get some tweezers to take care of the problem. As you pass through the barn yard you step on a nail. Do you still feel the pain of the thorn in your finger, in fact do you even remember it is there? Was it suddenly cured when you stepped on the nail? No, not at all. Then why is the thorn no longer a concern? Simply because your body now has a higher priority - something more life threatening to worry about - the nail in the foot. Then as you are passing through the barbed wire fence to finally reach your truck, you shoot your toe off with the shotgun (the other foot of course). Are you now aware of the thorn? No. How about the hole in your foot from the rusty nail. I don't think so. Why not? Once again the body shifted its focus to the most life threatening situation. There is only x amount of energy in the body. If we createa crisis in one part of the body, energy must be "borrowed" from other parts of the body to cope with the crisis.
Every aspirin (buffered or not) causes a teaspoon worth of bleeding in the stomach. If you have a headache, which is generally caused by toxic blood from something we've eaten which is harmful to us, and you take an aspirin causing internal bleeding,which do you think would be more life threatening? In most cases the internal bleeding. The body must now shift its attention to the higher priority problem (stomach), and the headache disappears. Did the aspirin remove the toxins from the blood stream? Not at all, just created a more life threatening situation. If the aspirin does not take away the headache, it simply means that the internal bleeding is not more life threatening than the toxic blood. So now take six aspirin,
and a more life threatening situation will take place in the stomach and the headache dissipates. Why doesn't aspirin take care of stomach pain? If you have stomach pain then your body's attention is already focused on the stomach. Additional stress there will not force the body to shift its attention elsewhere in the body. Tylenol, however, will alleviate stomach pain because it plays havoc with the liver, causing the body to move its attention from stomach to liver. Thus all drugs produce symptomatic relief without actually removing the cause. A drug "cures" your complaint by creating a disease of its own. If the poison of the drug, whatever drug you want to name, is more life threatening to the body than the symptom for which you took the drug (or the doctor's prescription for such), then your symptoms will disappear. If the drug is not more life threatening, then it
will not produce symptomatic relief and the doctor will prescribe a stronger, more poisonous, more life threatening drug. Now the body will be forced to focus on the drug so that the drug literally doesn't kill the body. You become symptom free. Yet the cause of the disease was not eliminated, and true healing did not take place. Since there is no such thing as a drug deficiency,the body simply put the disease process on hold to eliminate the drug.
How many children do you know that take antibiotics for infections? The antibiotic stops the symptoms. As soon as the antibiotic is stopped the infection returns. It is because the antibiotic does not kill the infection, rather the antibiotic is so toxic to the liver and rest of the body, that the body must wall off, or put on "hold" the infective process to deal with the drug before it kills the body. Once the drug is dealt with, the body will, as soon as it has built up adequate nutrients and energies, resume the cleansing process via the infection. If the taking of the antibiotic was so devitalizing to the body, lowering its frequency, the infection may not return, only a more serious chronic disease at a later date.
One of the great laws of nature is the law of cause and effect. We do not gain anything without working for it. Diseases are not "caught", they are earned by not taking care of our bodies. How then can we not stop doing the wrong that made us sick, take a drug and get well? It is the same as the drunk saying, "Sober me up with a pill, but let me keep drinking". Impossible to do. Disease is no exception.
When anesthetic is administered to knock one out for surgery, the same principle applies. The anesthetic is so poisonous to the body, that the body must put itself to sleep to free up the tremendous amount of energy that is used for consciousness. This energy is then utilized to eliminate the toxic anesthetic from the body before it causes death. Why do you think people are so sick and groggy after surgery. Why do something like 2% of people who undergo surgery die from the anesthetic if it weren't a poison? Different drugs rob energy from different parts of the body, thus they have various effects or "cure" different symptoms. The bottom line is that they rob energy from the body, change the body's priorities to focus on the drug - a more life threatening situation - and the cause is not eliminated. We are actually still sick, just as some must stay on drugs a lifetime to stay symptom free, constantly increasing the dose as they become sicker and sicker. Others are "cured" by the drug and can stop taking it, only to face another more serious disease down the road. If we would just listen to the body when we become ill, let the illness tell us our symptoms are due to something wrong we are doing (wrong diet or life style), stop doing it, then the illness as well as the need for drugs would be eliminated
and a more healthy life would result.
"Side-effects" which often result when drugs are administered are the body's effort at eliminating the drug. Eg.: breaking out in a skin rash - body pushing drug out through skin, getting drowsy - body conserving conscious energy in order to stay alive while eliminating the drug.
The Logic of Drug Therapy?
Drug therapy defies all logic when we consider that any drug administered to a healthy person will make him sick, and yet the doctor prescribes these very poisons to a sick person and expects him to get well. How can a body be poisoned back to health?
Yours in Truth, Love & Life,
Ambassadors of Yeshua HaMashiach, Founders of Truths Revealed Ministries, a ministry devoted to healing and truth from the Word of Adonai Elohim (a.k.a. the Bible). We really appreciate all the feedback. Please let us know if you believe we have proof-texted, because this is never our intention. For more information about us please check out the links below:
Ambassadors of Yeshua HaMashiach, Founders of Truths Revealed Ministries, a ministry devoted to healing and truth from the Word of Adonai Elohim (a.k.a. the Bible). We really appreciate all the feedback. Please let us know if you believe we have proof-texted, because this is never our intention. For more information about us please check out the links below:
Copyright 2007-2009. Truths Revealed Ministries. Home. Young Living OC, "An Organization Devoted to Freedom".
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